Monday, October 12, 2015

Post It blog

While reading the Paulo Freire article  I marked a few key points with my post its notes. In one section of his text he points out the major rules of the banking concept. They are as follows:

  1. The teacher teaches and the students are taught
  2. The teacher knows everything and the students know nothing
  3. The teacher thinks and the students are though about
  4. The teacher talks and the students listen
I do not agree with any of these. None of these benefit the student, which teaching should be about ultimately. I think people are always learning from each other and that teachers should also listen to their students. One thing that I learned from my chemistry professor is to love your job. Obviously, that is not something that a chemistry book was going to teach me. Everyday she showed us how happy she was to be there and she honestly changed my career path. I wanted to be a pharmacist for a very long time and then after I saw how much she loved her job and how excited she was to be there everyday I realized I was not that excited about being a pharmacist. I realized I wanted to be like her and to teach. I think that I also taught her something. I was a very good chemistry student and I would go to her for help and tell her things in the notes that were unclear. She said she was going to change them for next year. I think she also learned from me how much students studied for her class. She was not aware of the commitment people put in before I told her my studying schedule.
   I loved my high school and I think it was because my teachers were very open and knew that being an educator was about teaching your students, but also learning from them. I never felt pressured into believing what they felt they always allowed us to form our own opinions. A lot of times they would not even put their input in and would present both sides of an issue equally. I hope to be a teacher that is viewed as open. I know in teaching chemistry it is going to be difficult to allow free judgement and expression, but I will make sure to learn from the students and improve my teaching technique from their evaluations.

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